The implicit conversion operator is defined, which converts a Point type to int. 隐式转换操作符将Point类型转换为int。
A constructor that can be called with a single argument defines an implicit conversion from the parameter type to the class type. 可以用单个实参来调用的构造函数定义了从形参类型到该类类型的一个隐式转换。
Select on to restrict implicit type conversion; that is, explicit narrowing conversions will be required and late binding will not be allowed. 选择“on”可以限制隐式类型转换,即要求显式收缩转换并且不允许后期绑定。
Implicit conversion of% ls value to% ls cannot be performed because the resulting collation is unresolved due to collation conflict. 无法执行值从%1!到%2!的隐性转换,因为结果排序规则因排序规则冲突而未能解决。
Static Testing C Programs for Implicit Type Conversion Holes C程序类型隐式转换漏洞的静态检测
There is the need to study from the internal factors that have effects on the conversion between theory and behavior, that is to probe the implicit mechanism of the conversion between teaching principles and teaching behaviors. 但同时也存在着不少问题,还需要从影响理念到行为转变的内部因素出发,探究教学理念向教学行为转化的内隐机制。